Sunday, April 5, 2009

Overt Behavior vs Personal Orientation

What is your goal? What is the thing you want your audience to do? 

Do you want them to think a certain way?
Know something specific? 
Or do a specific action?

It all boils down to one of the three: THINK, KNOW, or DO. 

We want our target audiences to either change personal orientation or overt behavior. The best way to remember the difference is this:

Let's say I'm a smoker. 

I watch one of those fun Truth commercials (you know, the ones that say that cigarettes have rat poison and cyanide in them). 

One of three things can happen:

1. I think to myself, "Oh wow, smoking cigarettes is bad for you. That's awful." I keep smoking.
2. I think to myself "Oh wow, smoking cigarettes is bad for you. That's awful." And I take steps to quit smoking.
3. I do nothing and think nothing about smoking cigarettes

Option number one is an example of personal orientation. My thinking changed. 

Option number two is an example of overt behavior. My behavior changed. 

Option number three is an example of a failed campaign. (At least it failed on me, it could have worked on someone else.)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Facebook and Networking

I was recently pulled, kicking and screaming, into the world of Facebook. “I have more than 200 contacts on LinkedIn!” I cried, “Why do I need to be on Facebook! It’s a waste of time.”

But a friend convinced me that I would have fun on Facebook, so since I’m always out to have a little fun, I set up a page. Rudimentary information only: Name, schools, jobs, etc. Nothing that I wouldn’t mind sharing with a couple million people.

Within 24 hours, I had 60 friend requests. Not business contacts, but friends from elementary school, from previous jobs, and from college. I decided Facebook would be my “let off some steam and let my hair down” world. No business contacts, only friends from days gone by.

I like to think that I’m pretty good at keeping in contact with friends. About once a month I go out for drinks and revelry with people I went to school with starting when I was just five years old. I go hiking with high school classmates at least twice a month, and I communicate on a pretty regular basis with college roommates and floor mates.

But Facebook is fun and addicting and keeps me in touch with friends in a much more relaxed and “let it all hang out” kind of way. So I poke, I send smiles, I update my status and comment on others’ status, too.

And then one day a light bulb flashed bright neon.

I updated my status about a work project with which I was struggling. I got a number of comments and messages from people across the globe (yes, I even reconnected with friends who are no longer in the United States). Some offered to take my mind off the project, while others asked, “What exactly do you do for a living?”

Several of those inquiring about my professional exploits were people I have known for more than 40 years. One is part of my bi-monthly hiking group.

Picture that light bulb getting brighter and brighter.

I realized that, if my friends have no clue what I do, then I do a really bad job of networking with the people I have known the longest. And the people who, presumably, know me the best.
I explained what I do to those who asked. Not in a 60-second elevator speech kind of way, but a less polished, more friendly manner. I told them about the kinds of clients I have and what kind of work I like to do best.

And my efforts turned into referrals. Two so far, amounting in about $20,000 worth of business.
So the lesson of the story is this:

  1. Nothing is ever strictly for fun. There are always business ramifications involved.

  2. Make sure your closest and oldest friends know what you do. You may think they do, but there is a good chance they have a vague idea and nothing more.

  3. No matter how good you think you are at keeping in contact, you can always do better.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My trip to the Waianae Coast

Earlier this week, I took a drive down to the Leeward Coast. It’s a beautiful drive, with the ocean on your left and the mountains on your right. I saw dolphins playing in the ocean, not 50 yards off shore. It was a great opportunity to kick back and reflect.

I enjoy taking pictures, so I parked at a beach and snapped some shots. The sky was gray, the day was windy, but it was a great experience nonetheless.

As I was taking the pictures, I reflected. Here are some of my learnings:

1. There is beauty wherever you are, sometimes you need to look harder to find it.

2. When you think you're done, you're not.

3. Changing your perspective helps you see things that were there all the time just waiting to be discovered. Or it can cover it up completely.

4. You can change the way you see and experience things. You control your experience.

5. If things aren't exactly how you want them, wait a few seconds. It will change again and maybe this time it's perfect.

6. When you think you've seen everything, look again.

7. Be aware of the details. They can make a big difference.

8. Look down. Sometimes the best ideas are right in front of you.

If you want to see all the photos I took that day, go here: